--- title: "Reading WW Data" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Reading WW Data} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ```{r, include = FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" ) ``` # Attach Package Attach the package. If it is not installed or you are developing, use `load_all` from the `devtools` package. Otherwise: ```{r setup} library(openww) ``` # Read ODS File The open WW data is distributed in ODS (Open Document Spreadsheet) format. This can be read in Excel, Libre Office, and other spreadsheet programs. Functions in the package will read and re-format sheets from the file. A sample spreadsheet is included in the package. ```{r ods_file} ods_file = system.file("extdata","Final_EMHP_Wastewater_Data_January_2022.ods",package="openww") ``` ## Daily Data The daily data can be read with `read_daily_ww_ods()`: ```{r read_data} ww_daily = read_daily_ww_ods(ods_file) head(ww_daily) summary(ww_daily) ``` The spreadsheet is a full table of sites in rows and dates in columns. When observations are not made the cell is blank. When observations are taken but are below the threshold level of detection then the cell contains the text `"tLOD"`. In the converted data read here, un-made observations are excluded, and below-threshold measurements are recorded as `NA`. ## Weekly Data The weekly data can be read with `read_weekly_ww_ods()`: ```{r read_weekly} ww_weekly = read_weekly_ww_ods(ods_file) head(ww_weekly) summary(ww_weekly) ``` # Spatial Data ## Reading The package files includes a geopackage of spatial data. One layer in this file is the point locations of the treatment works. ```{r spatial} library(sf) sites_gpkg = system.file("extdata","sites.gpkg",package="openww") stw = st_read(sites_gpkg, "sites", quiet=TRUE) head(stw) summary(stw) ``` ## Merging and Plotting ```{r plotday} ## take a subset of one day day_7_4 = ww_daily[ww_daily$date=="2021-07-04",] ## merge with spatial by common column "Site_code": day_7_4 = st_as_sf(merge(day_7_4, stw)) ## transform concentration to log day_7_4$log_conc = log(day_7_4$conc) ## plot plot(day_7_4[,"log_conc"], pch=19, cex=0.5) ``` Better maps with context can be done with the `tmap` package.