Package 'geosample'

Title: Construction of Geostatistical Sampling Designs
Description: Functions for constructing sampling designs, including spatially random, inhibitory (simple or with close pairs), both discrete and continuous, and adaptive designs.
Authors: Michael G Chipeta, Peter J Diggle
Maintainer: Michael G Chipeta <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 2)
Version: 0.2.1
Built: 2025-01-25 03:24:38 UTC

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Spatially adaptive sampling


Draw an additional sample from a set of available locations in a defined geographical region, imposing a minimum distance between any two sampled units and taking into account existing data from previously sampled locations. The algorithm allows the user to specify either a prediction variance (PV) criterion or an exceedance probability (EP) criterion to choose new sampling locations. The function accepts either sf or sp objects.


adaptive.sample(obj1, obj2, pred.var.col = NULL, excd.prob.col = NULL,
  batch.size = 1, delta, criterion, poly = NULL, plotit = TRUE)



a sf or sp object of locations available for sampling, where each line contains the coordinates of a spatial location, a prediction variance or an exceedance probability at that location and, optionally, values of one or more covariates. NOTE that only one of the two quantities (i.e. PV or EP) is required to add samples adaptively. Locations that meet the specified selection criterion are equally likely to be sampled subject to spatial contraints. See criterion and Details for more information.


a sf or sp object of locations previously sampled. Each line corresponds to one spatial location. It must contain values of 2D coordinates and may also contain the values of one or more covariates. The initial sample locations design can be generated from random.sample, discrete.inhibit.sample, contin.inhibit.sample or some other design.


a scalar of length one indicating the column number corresponding to prediction variance at each spatial location in obj1. This is required if criterion = "predvar". See 'criterion' and Details for information.


a scalar of length one indicating the column number corresponding to exceedance probabilities at each spatial location in obj1. This is required if criterion = "exceedprob". See 'criterion' and Details for information.


a non-negative integer giving the number of adaptively chosen locations to be added to the existing sample (design).


minimum permissible distance between any two locations in the sample.


criterion used for choosing new locations xx^*. Use "predvar" for prediction variance or "exceedprob" for exceedance probablity. See the Details section for more information.


'optional', a sf or sp polygon object in which the design sits. The default is the bounding box of points given by obj1.


'logical' specifying if graphical output is required. Default is plotit = TRUE.


For the predictive target T=S(x)T = S(x) at a particular location x, given an initial set of sampling locations X0=(x1,,xn0)X_0 = (x_1,\ldots, x_{n0}) the available set of additional sampling locations is A0=XX0A_0 = X* \setminus X_0. To mimic spatially continuous sampling, the initial set should be a fine grid to cover the region of interest

Define the following notation:

  • X{\cal X}^* is the set of all potential sampling locations, with number of elements nn^*.

  • X0X_0 is the initial sample, with number of elements n0n_0.

  • bb is the batch size.

  • n=n0+kbn = n_0 + kb is the total sample size.

  • Xj,j1{\cal X}_j, j \ge 1 is the set of locations added in the jthj^{th} batch, with number of elements bb.

  • Aj=XX0XjA_j = {\cal X}^* \setminus {\cal X}_0 \cup \ldots \cup X_j is the set of available locations after addition of the jthj^{th} batch.

1. Prediction variance criterion.

For each xA0x \in A_0, denote by PV(x) the prediction variance, Var(TY0)\code{Var}(T|Y_0). The algorithm then proceeds as follows.

  • Step 1. Use a non-adaptive design to determine X0{\cal X}_0.

  • Step 2. Set j=0j = 0.

  • Step 3. For each xAjx \in A_j, calculate PV(x)PV(x).

    • Step 3.(i) choose x=arg maxAjPV(x)x^* = \code{arg max}_{A_j} PV(x),

    • Step 3.(ii) if xxi>δ,i=1,,n0+jb||x^* - x_i|| > \delta, \forall i=1,\ldots,n_0 + jb, add xx^* to the design,

  • Step 4. Repeat step 3 until bb locations have been added to form the set Xj+1X_{j+1}.

  • Step 5. Set Aj=Aj=1XjA_j = A_{j=1} \setminus {\cal X}_j and we update jj to j+1j + 1.

  • Step 6. Repeat steps 3 to 5 until the total number of sampled locations is nn or Aj=A_j = \emptyset.

2. Exceedance probability criterion.

For each xA0x \in A_0, denote by EP(x) the exceedance probability, P[{T(x)>ty0}0.5]P[\{T(x) > t | y_0\} - 0.5] for a specified threshold t. The algorithm proceeds as above, with changes only in step 3, as follows.

  • Step 3. For each xAjx \in A_j, calculate EP(x)EP(x).

    • Step 3.(i) choose x=arg minAjEP(x)x^* = \code{arg min}_{A_j}EP(x).


A list with the following four components:

total.size: the total number of locations, nn, sampled.

delta: the value of δ\delta.

criterion: the sample selection criterion used for adaptive sampling.

sample.locs: a list of objects for sample locations. It has the following components.

curr.sample: a sf or sp object of dimension nn by 2 containing all sampled locations, where nn is the total sample size (initial plus newly added sample locations).

prev.sample: a sf or sp object of dimension nin_{i} by 2 containing initial sample locations, where ni<nn_{i} < n.

added.sample: a sf or sp object of dimension nan_{a} by 2 containing additional sample locations, i.e. adaptively sampled locations, where na=bn_a = b, the batch size.


The function can only add a single batch at a time.


Michael G. Chipeta [email protected]

Peter J. Diggle [email protected]


Chipeta M G, Terlouw D J, Phiri K S and Diggle P J. (2016a). Adaptive geostatistical design and analysis for prevalence surveys, Spatial Statistics 15, pp. 70-84.

Giorgi E and Diggle P J. (2017). PrevMap: an R package for prevalence mapping. Journal of Statistical Software. 78:1-29, doi: 10.18637/jss.v078.i08

Kabaghe A N, Chipeta M G, McCann R S, Phiri K S, Van Vugt M, Takken W, Diggle P J, and Terlouw D J. (2017). Adaptive geostatistical sampling enables efficient identification of malaria hotspots in repeated cross-sectional surveys in rural Malawi, PLoS One 12(2) pp. e0172266

See Also

discrete.inhibit.sample and contin.inhibit.sample


## Not run: 

#1. Generate inhibitory design without close pairs using discrete.inhibit.sample().
xy.sample <- discrete.inhibit.sample(obj =, size = 100, delta = 0.075,
                                     k = 0, plotit = TRUE)
names(xy.sample) <- xy.sample$sample.locs

#2. Data analysis
knots <- as.matrix(expand.grid(seq(-0.2, 1.2, length = 15),
                               seq(-0.2, 1.2, length = 15)))
lr.mcmc <- control.mcmc.MCML(n.sim = 10000, burnin = 1000, thin = 6) <- c(0.001, 1, 0.4) <- binomial.logistic.MCML(y ~ 1,
                                      units.m = ~units.m, coords = ~st_coordinates(,
                                      data =, par0 =,
                                      fixed.rel.nugget = 0, =[3],
                                      control.mcmc = lr.mcmc, low.rank = TRUE, knots = knots,
                                      kappa = 1.5, method = "nlminb", messages = TRUE)

summary(, = FALSE)

# Note: parameter estimation above can and should be repeated several times with updated starting
# values for the covariance function.

#3. Plug-in prediction using estimated parameters <- spatial.pred.binomial.MCML(object =,
                                           control.mcmc = lr.mcmc,
                                           grid.pred = st_coordinates(,
                                           type = "joint", messages = TRUE,
                                           scale.predictions = "prevalence",
                                           standard.errors = TRUE,  thresholds = 0.45,
                                           scale.thresholds = "prevalence")

#4. Visualisation of analysis from initial sample
plot(, type = "prevalence", summary = "predictions",
     zlim = c(0, 1), main = "Prevalence - predictions")
contour(, "prevalence", "predictions",
        zlim = c(0, 1), levels = seq(0.1,0.9, 0.1), add = TRUE)

plot(,  summary = "exceedance.prob",
     zlim = c(0, 1), main = "Prevalence - exceedance probability")
contour(, summary = "exceedance.prob",
        zlim = c(0, 1), levels = seq(0.1,0.3, 0.1), add = TRUE)

plot(, type = "prevalence",  summary = "standard.errors",
     main = "Prevalence - standard errors")

#5. Adaptive sampling
#create data frame of ingredients to adaptive sampling from spatial predictions above
obj1 <-$grid,
colnames(obj1) <- c("x", "y", "pred.var", "exceed.prob")
obj1 <- sf::st_as_sf(obj1, coords = c('x', 'y'))

#adaptive sampling using exceedance probability criterion. <- adaptive.sample(obj1 = obj1, obj2 =,
                                   pred.var.col = 1, excd.prob.col = 2,
                                   criterion = "exceedprob", delta = 0.08,
                                   batch.size = 10, poly = NULL, plotit = TRUE)

#adaptive sampling using exceedance probability criterion. <- adaptive.sample(obj1 = obj1, obj2 =,
                                   pred.var.col = 1, excd.prob.col = 2,
                                   criterion = "predvar", delta = 0.08,
                                   batch.size = 10, poly = NULL, plotit = TRUE)

## End(Not run)

Majete study area borders


This data-set contains the borders for Majete focal area A, relating to the study of the prevalence of malaria in Chikhwawa district, southern Malawi. The data-set contains Geometry set for 1 feature.

  • Geometry type: Polygon.

  • dimension: XY.

  • bbox: xmin: 654.6224 ymin: 8243.117 xmax: 664.3984 ymax: 8253.008

  • epsg (SRID): 32736

  • proj4string: +proj=utm +zone=36 +south +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs




Simple feature polygon

Spatially continuous sampling


Draws a spatially continous sample of locations within a polygonal sampling region according to an "inhibitory plus close pairs" specification.


contin.inhibit.sample(poly, size, delta, delta.fix = FALSE, k = 0,
  rho = NULL, ntries = 10000, plotit = TRUE)



a sf or sp polygon in which to generate the design.


a non-negative integer giving the total number of locations to be sampled.


minimum permissible distance between any two locations in preliminary sample. This can be allowed to vary with the number of 'close pairs' if a simple inhibitory design is compared to one of the inhibitory plus close pairs design.


'logical' specifies whether delta is fixed or allowed to vary with number of close pairs kk. Default is delta.fix = FALSE.


number of locations in preliminary sample to be replaced by near neighbours of other preliminary sample locations to form close pairs (integer between 0 and size/2). A simple inhibitory deisgn is generated when k=0k = 0.


maximum distance between the two locations in a 'close-pair'.


number of rejected proposals after which the algorithm will terminate.


'logical' specifying if graphical output is required. Default is plotit = TRUE.


To draw a simple inhibitory (SI) sample of size n from a spatially continuous region AA, with the property that the distance between any two sampled locations is at least delta, the following algorithm is used.

  • Step 1. Set i=1i = 1 and generate a point x1x_{1} uniformly distributed on D{\cal D}.

  • Step 2. Generate a point xx uniformly distributed on D{\cal D} and calculate the minimum, dmind_{\min}, of the distances from xix_{i} to all xj:jix_{j}: j \leq i.

  • Step 3. If dminδd_{\min} \ge \delta, increase ii by 1, set xi=xx_{i} = x and return to step 2 if ini \le n, otherwise stop;

  • Step 4. If dmin<δd_{\min} < \delta, return to step 2 without increasing ii.

Sampling close pairs of points.

For some purposes, it is desirable that a spatial sampling scheme include pairs of closely spaced points, resulting in an inhibitory plus close pairs (ICP) design. In this case, the above algorithm requires the following additional steps to be taken. Let kk be the required number of close pairs. Choose a value rho such that a close pair of points will be a pair of points separated by a distance of at most rho.

  • Step 5. Set j=1j = 1 and draw a random sample of size 2 from integers 1,2,,n1, 2, \ldots, n, say (i1,i2)(i_1, i_2);

  • Step 6. Replace xi1x_{i_{1}} by xi2+ux_{i_{2}} + u , where uu is uniformly distributed on the disc with centre xi2x_{i_{2}} and radius rho, increase ii by 1 and return to step 5 if iki \le k, otherwise stop.

When comparing a SI design to one of the ICP designs, the inhibitory components should have the same degree of spatial regularity. This requires δ\delta to become a function of kk namely

δk=δ0n/(nk)\delta_{k} = \delta_{0}\sqrt{n/(n - k)}

with δ0\delta_{0} held fixed.


a list with the following four components:

size: the total number of sampled locations.

delta: the value of δ\delta after taking into account the number of close pairs kk. If delta.fix = TRUE, this will be δ\delta input by the user.

k:k: the number of close pairs included in the sample (for inhibitory plus close pairs design).

sample.locs: a sf or sp object containing coordinates of dimension n by 2 containing the sampled locations.


If 'delta' is set to 0, a completely random sample is generated. In this case, 'close pairs' are not permitted and rho is irrelevant.


Michael G. Chipeta [email protected]

Peter J. Diggle [email protected]


Chipeta M G, Terlouw D J, Phiri K S and Diggle P J. (2016b). Inhibitory geostatistical designs for spatial prediction taking account of uncertain covariance structure, Enviromentrics, pp. 1-11.

See Also

random.sample and discrete.inhibit.sample


poly <- parana$borders
poly <- matrix(c(poly[,1],poly[,2]),dim(poly)[1],2,byrow=FALSE)
#convert matrix to polygon
poly <- st_sf(st_sfc(st_polygon(list(as.matrix(poly)))))
#poly <- as(poly, "Spatial")

# Generate spatially regular sample
xy.sample1 <- contin.inhibit.sample(poly=poly,size = 100, delta = 30, plotit = TRUE)

# Generate spatially regular sample with 10 close pairs
xy.sample2 <- contin.inhibit.sample(poly,size = 100, delta = 30,
                                    k = 5, rho = 15, plotit = TRUE)

# Generate spatially regular sample with 10 close pairs
xy.sample3 <- contin.inhibit.sample(poly,size = 100, delta = 30, delta.fix = TRUE,
                                    k = 10, rho = 15, plotit = TRUE)

Spatially discrete sampling


Draw a spatially discrete sample from a specified set of spatial locations within a polygonal sampling region according to an "inhibitory plus close pairs" specification.


discrete.inhibit.sample(obj, size, delta, delta.fix = FALSE, k = 0,
  cp.criterion = NULL, zeta, ntries = 10000, poly = NULL,
  plotit = TRUE)



a sf or sp object where each line corresponds to a spatial location containing values of two-dimensional coordinates and, optionally, the values of one or more associated values, typically an outcome of interest and any associated covariates.


a non-negative integer giving the total number of locations to be sampled.


minimum permissible distance between any two locations in preliminary sample. This can be allowed to vary with number of 'close pairs' if a simple inhibitory design is compared to one of the inhibitory plus close pairs design.


'logical' specifies whether 'delta' is fixed or allowed to vary with number of close pairs kk. Default is delta.fix = FALSE.


number of close-pair locations in the sample. Must be an integer between 0 and size/2.


criterion for choosing close pairs kk. The "cp.zeta" criterion chooses locations not included in the initial sample, from the uniform distribution of a disk with radius 'zeta' (NB: zeta argument must be provided for this criterion). The "cp.neighb" criterion chooses nearest neighbours amongst locations not included in the initial sample ('zeta' becomes trivial for 'cp.neighb' criterion).


maximum permissible distance (radius of a disk with center xj,j=1,,kx^{*}_{j}, j = 1, \ldots, k) within which a close-pair point is placed. See Details.


number of rejected proposals after which the algorithm terminates.


'optional', a sf or sp polygon object in which the design sits. The default is the bounding box of points given by obj.


'logical' specifying if graphical output is required. Default is plotit = TRUE.


To draw a sample of size nn from a population of spatial locations Xi:i=1,,NX_{i} : i = 1,\ldots,N, with the property that the distance between any two sampled locations is at least δ\delta, the function implements the following algorithm.

  • Step 1. Draw an initial sample of size nn completely at random and call this xi:i=1,,nx_{i} : i = 1,\dots, n.

  • Step 2. Set i=1i = 1.

  • Step 3. Calculate the smallest distance, dmind_{\min}, from xix_{i} to all other xjx_{j} in the initial sample.

  • Step 4. If dminδd_{\min} \ge \delta, increase ii by 1 and return to step 2 if ini \le n, otherwise stop.

  • Step 5. If dmin<δd_{\min} < \delta, draw an integer jj at random from 1,2,,N1, 2,\ldots,N, set xi=Xjx_{i} = X_{j} and return to step 3.

Samples generated in this way exhibit more regular spatial arrangements than would random samples of the same size. The degree of regularity achievable will be influenced by the spatial arrangement of the population Xi:i=1,,NX_{i} : i = 1,\ldots,N, the specified value of δ\delta and the sample size nn. For any given population, if nn and/or δ\delta is too large, a sample of the required size with the distance between any two sampled locations at least δ\delta will not be achievable; the algorithm will then find ns<nn_{s} < n points that can be placed for the given parameters.

Sampling close pairs of points.

For some purposes, typically when using the same sample for parameter estimation and spatial prediction, it is desirable that a spatial sampling scheme include pairs of closely spaced points xx. The function offers two ways of specifying close pairs, either as the closest available unsampled point to an existing sampled point (cp.critetrion = cp.neighb), or as a random choice from amongst all available unsampled points within distance zetazeta of an existing sampled point (cp.criterion = cp.zeta). The algorithm proceeds as follows.

Let kk be the required number of close pairs.

  • Step 1. Construct a simple inhibitory design SI(nk,δ)(n - k, \delta).

  • Step 2. Sample kk from x1,,xnkx_{1}, \ldots, x_{n - k} without replacement and call this set xj:j=1,,kx_{j} : j = 1, \ldots, k.

  • Step 3. For each xj:j=1,,kx_{j}: j = 1, \ldots, k, select a close pair xnk+jx_{n-k+j} according to the specified criterion.

Note: Depending on the spatial configuration of potential sampling locations and, when the selection criterion cp.criterion = cp.zeta, the specified value of zetazeta, it is possible that one or more of the selected points xjx_{j} in Step 2 will not have an eligible “close pair”. In this case, the algorithm will try find an alternative xjx_{j} and report a warning if it fails to do so.


a list with the following four components:

unique.locs: the number of unique sampled locations.

delta: the value of δ\delta after taking into account the number of close pairs kk. If delta.fix = TRUE, this will be δ\delta input by the user.

k:k: the number of close pairs included in the sample (for inhibitory plus close pairs design).

sample.locs: a sf or sp object containing the final sampled locations and any associated values.


If 'delta' is set to 0, a completely random sample is generated. In this case, 'close pairs' are not permitted and 'zeta' becomes trivial.


Michael G. Chipeta [email protected]

Peter J. Diggle [email protected]


Chipeta M G, Terlouw D J, Phiri K S and Diggle P J. (2016). Inhibitory geostatistical designs for spatial prediction taking account of uncertain covariance structure, Enviromentrics, pp. 1-11.

Diggle P J. (2014). Statistical Analysis of Spatial and Spatio-Temporal Point Patterns. 3rd ed., Boca Raton: CRC Press

Diggle P J and Lophaven S. (2006). Bayesian geostatistical design, Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 33(1) pp. 53 - 64.


x <- 0.015+0.03*(1:33)
xall <- rep(x,33)
yall <- c(t(matrix(xall,33,33)))
xy <- cbind(xall,yall)+matrix(-0.0075+0.015*runif(33*33*2),33*33,2)

# Convert to SF object
xy <- xy %>% %>%
  sf::st_as_sf(coords = c(1,2))

# Plot the points
     cex.lab=1,cex.axis=1,cex.main=1, axes = TRUE)

# Generate spatially random sample
xy.sample1 <- xy[sample(1:dim(xy)[1],50,replace=FALSE),]
plot(xy.sample1, pch = 19, col = 'black', add = TRUE)

xy.sample2 <- discrete.inhibit.sample(obj=xy,size = 100,
                                      delta = 0.08,plotit = TRUE)
plot(st_geometry(xy),pch=19, cex = 0.25, col="black", add = TRUE)

# Generate spatially inhibitory sample
# with close pairs (cp.zeta criterion):
xy.sample3 <- discrete.inhibit.sample(obj=xy, size = 100,delta = 0.065,
                                     k = 25,cp.criterion = "cp.zeta",
                                     zeta = 0.025, plotit = TRUE)
plot(st_geometry(xy),pch=19, cex = 0.25, col="black", add = TRUE)

# Generate spatially inhibitory sample
# with close pairs (cp.neighb criterion):
xy.sample4 <- discrete.inhibit.sample(obj=xy,size = 100,
                                      delta = 0.065, k = 25,cp.criterion = "cp.neighb",
                                      plotit = TRUE)
plot(st_geometry(xy),pch=19, cex = 0.25, col="black", add = TRUE)

# Generate spatially inhibitory sample
# with close pairs (cp.zeta criterion):
xy.sample5 <- discrete.inhibit.sample(obj=xy,size = 100,
                                      delta = 0.065, cp.criterion = "cp.zeta",
                                      zeta = 0.025, delta.fix = TRUE,
                                      k = 25, plotit = TRUE)
plot(st_geometry(xy),pch=19, cex = 0.25, col="black", add = TRUE)

# Generate simple inhibitory sample from a regular grid
xy.sample6 <- discrete.inhibit.sample(obj =,
                                      size = 50, delta = 0.08,plotit = TRUE)
plot(st_geometry(,pch=19,col="black", cex = 0.25, add = TRUE)

# Generate inhibitory plus close pairs sample from a regular grid
xy.sample7 <- discrete.inhibit.sample(obj =,
                                      cp.criterion = "cp.neighb", size = 50,
                                      delta = 0.1, k = 5, plotit =TRUE)
plot(st_geometry(,pch=19,col="black", cex = 0.25, add = TRUE)

Majete malaria prevalence data


This data-set relates to malaria prevalence study conduted in Majete (Chikwawa), southern Malawi. The variables are as follows:

  • rdt: Rapid diagnostic test result; 0 = negative, 1 = positive.

  • age: Age of the individual in months.

  • quintile: Wealth quintile; ranging from 1 = poor to 5 = well to do.

  • itn: Insecticide treated bed-net usage; 0 = no, 1 = yes.

  • elev: Elevation; height above sea level in meters.

  • ndvi: Normalised difference vegetation index (greenness).

  • agecat: Age category; 1 = child, 2 = adult.

  • geometry: Point or household locations (UTM).




A data frame with 747 features and 7 variables


Kabaghe A N, Chipeta M G, McCann R S, Phiri K S, Van Vugt M, Takken W, Diggle P J, and Terlouw D J. (2017). Adaptive geostatistical sampling enables efficient identification of malaria hotspots in repeated cross-sectional surveys in rural Malawi, PLoS One 12(2) pp. e0172266

Spatially random sample


This function draws a spatially random sample from a discrete set of units located over some defined geographical region or generate completely spatially random points within a polygon.


random.sample(obj = NULL, poly = NULL, type, size, plotit = TRUE)



a sf or sp object (with NsizeN \geq \code{size}) where each line corresponds to one spatial location. It should contain values of 2D coordinates, data and, optionally, covariate(s) value(s) at the locations. This argument must be provided when sampling from a "discrete" set of points, see 'type' below for details.


'optional' a sf or sp polygon in which to generate the design. The default is the bounding box of points given by obj. When sampling from a "continuum", the argument 'poly' must be provided.


random sampling, a choice of either "discrete", from a set of NN potential sampling points or "continuum" from independent, compeletely random points.


a non-negative integer giving the total number of locations to be sampled.


'logical' specifying if graphical output is required. Default is plotit = TRUE.


a sf or sp object of dimension nn by p=dim(obj)[2] containing the final sampled locations and any associated values, if sampling from a "discrete" set of points. A matrix of nn by 2 containing sampled locations, if sampling from a "continuum".


Michael G. Chipeta [email protected]

Peter J. Diggle [email protected]


Rowlingson, B. and Diggle, P. 1993 Splancs: spatial point pattern analysis code in S-Plus. Computers and Geosciences, 19, 627-655


# 1. Sampling from a discrete set of points.
x <- 0.015+0.03*(1:33)
xall <- rep(x,33)
yall <- c(t(matrix(xall,33,33)))
xy <- cbind(xall,yall)+matrix(-0.0075+0.015*runif(33*33*2),33*33,2)
colnames(xy) <- c('X','Y')

# Convert to SF
xy <- xy %>% %>%
  sf::st_as_sf(coords = c(1,2))
xy <- sf::st_as_sf(xy, coords = c('X', 'Y'))

# Sampling from a discrete set.
xy.sample <- random.sample(obj = xy, size = 100, type = "discrete", plotit = TRUE)

# Sampling from a continuum.
poly <- parana$borders
poly <- matrix(c(poly[,1],poly[,2]),dim(poly)[1],2,byrow=FALSE)
# Convert matrix to polygon
poly <- st_sf(st_sfc(st_polygon(list(as.matrix(poly)))))

xy.sample <- random.sample(poly = poly,size = 100, type = "continuum", plotit = TRUE)

Simulated binomial data-set over the unit square


This binomial data-set was simulated by generating a zero-mean stationary Gaussian process over a 35 by 35 grid covering the unit square with Matern correlation sturcture. The parameters used in the simulation are σ2=0.7\sigma^2 = 0.7, ϕ=0.15\phi = 0.15, κ=1.5\kappa = 1.5 and τ2=0\tau^2 = 0. The nugget effect was not included, hence tau2 = 0. The variables are as follows:

  • data simulated values of the Gaussian process.

  • y binomial observations.

  • units.m binomial denominators.

  • geometry X and Y coordinates.




A data frame with 1225 rows and 5 variables